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Friday, 4 November 2011

Beating Pregnancy Fat

Having a baby, nurturing and bringing a child into the world is probably one of the best experiences for a woman. Nonetheless, weight gain during pregnancy is almost unavoidable. Suddenly, you are faced with a tonne of weight that you are unable lose and your huge belly becomes the central problem of your life.

Adjusting to your new role as a Mom will take up most of your time. This makes losing your pregnancy weight easier said than done. Most Moms think that eating less and being able to spend enough time at the gym is the only way to lose their pregnancy weight gain. In fact, eating less will damage your metabolism and is harmful for you and your child, especially if you are breastfeeding. It is also not necessary to dedicate hours in the gym, you just need to know how to optimise your time to burn calories.

Here are some ways that Moms can make use of to help lose pregnancy weight:

Sleep adequately

Having enough sleep will help you restore your metabolism. At the same time, it gives you energy and mood to do work and exercise. Do not trade sleep for exercise time in the first few weeks as you need it to heal and recover from your delivery. Try to synchronise your sleep with your baby's. This way, you optimise your sleep time and your time with your baby.

Snack healthily

Skip bad carbohydrates like sugar, white flour and starch. They make you gain more weight and leave you hungrier. Go for foods like low-fat milk, yogurt, fruits and vegetables. Calcium and fibre helps you burn fats and keep you fuller longer.

Get yourself moving

It is perfectly fine to rest and let your body recover after delivery, especially if you undergo a Caesarean section delivery. You need around 6 weeks for your body to be able to do any serious exercises.

In the meantime, you can start by just taking a stroll around your neighbourhood. If you feel good and the walking does not cause you discomfort or pain, try walking further each day.

You can even do this with your baby in the stroller with you. Learn to optimise your time with or without your baby.

Breastfeeding helps too

You can burn about 600 to 800 calories a day when you breastfeed. All you need to do is to sit down and feed your baby and you will lose weight.

However, you need around 500 calories more a day when you breastfeed. So be sure to take in enough for yourself and your baby. Take note that once you stop breastfeeding and start to introduce solid food to your baby, your calorie needs drop as well. Adjust your diet to prevent weight gain when this happens.

Build some muscles

Building some muscles will help greatly with your metabolism. Once you have a decent metabolism, you burn fats faster.

If you don't have the time to go to the gym, try to do some strength training with your baby.

For example, you can do lunges while holding your baby to your chest or while pushing the stroller as you walk. You can do some presses by lying down, holding your baby above your chest and press your baby upwards slowly.

Always seek professional help if you have no clue in exercise routines.

Get Support

Get help from your family with the housework and looking after the baby. You don't have to do everything by yourself.

Get in touch with the local community, sign up for programs set up for new Moms. There are many Moms and baby yoga classes, exercise classes available. This way, you can know more new Moms who face the same problem as you. Working with a friend who shares the same situation as you can give you the motivation you need to reach your weight loss goal.

These are some examples of abs exercises to get you started at home:

Please consult your doctor before trying out any of these exercises.

Starting with the first 2 exercises, do 8 reps each and gradually increase to 15. Once you can perform these, introduce the next 2 exercises to your routine and do 10 reps for each exercise. Gradually increase your reps to 15 for each exercise this way. Once your can complete this, add another set of 15 reps with a 60 seconds rest in between.

Chair abs

Lie face-up with your knees bent and lower legs resting on a chair. Keeping your buttocks and legs relaxed, do a crunch with your hands behind your head.

Supported bent-knee curl-up

Lie face-up on with your knees bent and calves parallel to the floor. Place your hands behind your thighs. Press your legs away from you, using your hands as resistance; at the same time, contract your abs and lift your head, neck and shoulders off the floor.


Lie face-up with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and hands behind your head. Crunch your abs by lifting your shoulders off the floor and lift your knees to meet your elbows.

Air Bikes

Lie face-up with your knees bent, calves parallel to the floor and hands behind your head. Extend your left leg out; at the same time, rotate left shoulder toward right knee, lifting your head, neck and shoulders. This simulates riding a bicycle upside down in the air.

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